
Christopher Kirby

What Am I Doing Here?

Month / June 2013

yearbook boxes

Yearbook Production Blog: Chapter 1

What’s In the Box?!

Yearbooks. Three hundred and fifty copies of the Ridge Road Elementary School yearbook to be exact. That’s what’s in the box.

This delivery marks the end of my 5th year as yearbook advisor for the school. The job is definitely a labor of love – every year when April rolls around I can be heard cursing and swearing that I’ll never do this again; but then the deadline passes, and June hits and the books arrive, and everything’s right with the world again. Despite my efforts to recruit someone to take over the responsibility, looks like I’ll be in charge for at least as long as I have children at the school. Which is another two years. But who’s counting?

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Ring Thing Logo Design

Sometimes you do projects not for the money, but because the work is something that excites you and gives you the opportunity to create without deadlines, clients or expectations.

I saw a post from a former Syracuse teammate of mine that he was going to be in Connecticut shooting a video for a new piece of CrossFit equipment. I hadn’t seen him in years and I thought it would be fun to catch up, so I headed over to CrossFit Milford late one night to check things out.

It was cool – I got to hang out with my college buddy again for a few hours, and meet a former Olympian and some members of the current National Gymnastics Team. Even though only briefly, it was fun to reminisce about the sport and count the degrees of separation between us based on guys I used to compete with and their connection to this current generation of athletes.

I also got to see an Epic Red camera up close and personal (video geeks will appreciate this).

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