
Christopher Kirby

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Category / Apps

App Review: Storehouse

According to their website, Storehouse for iPad claims to be,  “The easiest way to create, share and discover beautiful stories.” I have to say, not only are the stories beautiful…, so is the app itself – but I guess when Apple’s former user experience evangelist and UI designer is involved, that’s to be expected.

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App Review: Horizon

Finally! Someone felt my pain and created an app that forces your video to always be shot horizontally. Never understood why so many shoot video with their phones held vertically. Maybe they all have their televisions turned on their sides?

App Review: TouchCast

I love it when apps get me excited, and Touchcast has me all sorts of excited! It’s an app full of possibilities and potential.

At its most basic level, Touchcast is like having a television studio on your iPad. Not only can it shoot video, but you can insert graphics in real-time as you’re recording. That’s huge! Typically you would shoot your video, then import the footage into your computer and use editing software to add your lower thirds, over-the-shoulders, etc., before exporting the finished movie file. Touchcast can potentially eliminate the need for post-production work, seriously speeding up workflow.

And did I mention it’s free through the iTunes store?!

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Book by FiftyThree


I love the Paper app by the same company, and when I first downloaded it I thought, “Boy…, wouldn’t it be great if you could order a printed copy of the books you create using this app?”

Well, I guess someone was listening. Or maybe that was their plan all along?

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